Saturday, January 15, 2011


Still living up to my blog title, I'm a tad unnerved at how and what I wrote 5-6 years ago. Still, I'm grateful I haven't deleted any of it. While I don't wish to find myself in a p-trap or ask for a line these days, I do find myself enjoying the lines I've been thrown over the past years from friends, family, circumstances, etc.

I plan to use this blog to help me clarify my values, thoughts, and understandings. As a visual processor, I find that the writing process is possibly as great a teacher as the listening process. It's often that I come to understandings after my attempts to communicate that understanding. Case in point: after completing 3/4 of the last sentence, I decided that learning and understanding happens in a circular manner as I attempt to express it orally or literarily. I'm not sure how others internally process ideas and concepts of an abstract nature before they speak them, but perhaps with more practice I'll be able to combine the two processes so that my words have more potential for clarity to me before they are spoken.

To this end, I'll try to focus as much on structure and process as content. It should be a decent exercise of intentionality, clarity, and multi-tasking within one medium. Typically, paper-writing with a thesis (a point), structure, and direction takes multiple writings, revisions, and procrastinations. I'd also like to explore means to make the process more efficient, but my first inclination is that a consistent "doing" will be that means.  Time and consistency will tell.

I might even have to change the URL. Might.


Blogger Shepard said...

A pattern that tells of consistency must already be present. It may be possible to find the pattern sooner than later by soliciting outside perspectives.

3/29/2011 2:17 PM  
Blogger Ken said...


I'm currently working on that with a friend of mine - Jason Posivio. Have you met him? He goes to Imagine. He's been studying hypnotherapy and just opened a practice:
So we've been meeting and the stuff we talk about has been quite revealing. Not sure what can/will change, but it's an interesting challenge and I'm always hopeful when receiving new perspectives - even when I move back into my same old patterns. I think some light depression follows until I can find a new light/perspective/hope that moves me out of current mode. Then the cycle repeats. And here I sit, seeing the cycle, not seeing much growth, but always hopeful that someday a Pinnochio Ken can turn into a real boy.

I had a good talk with Mike a week or two ago where we talked about our potential problem being that we believe we need to be anything instead of understanding that we are, living in that, and then changing based out of nothing but sense or new meaning. Sounds quite rational. How to live in that and let go of the emotional gravity that pulls me toward the black hole of "need to change" is...seemingly unnatainable. Why I think it's unattainable is because of that same emotional gravity...the perfect defense against the change that is not "needing" to change.

4/03/2011 1:53 AM  

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